What to Expect at Mass


Whether you are Catholic or not, a regular Mass goer or someone who has never set foot inside a Catholic church before, We are pleased you are joining us. If you haven’t been inside a Catholic church before or not for a while, you may not  know what to expect so here are a few details that might help.

A Holy Sacrifice

The high point of Catholic worship of God is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. We celebrate Jesus dying on the cross which frees us from the slavery of sin. Although this happened in history almost 2000 years ago, everytime Mass is celebrated, that same moment in history is made present to us once again (God’s actions not being limited by time) so that all can access the saving power of Jesus’ death and resurrection from the dead. 


In every Catholic church the Blessed Sacrament ( the real presence of Jesus Christ under the appearance of bread) is reserved in the tabernacle (an ornate box in the centre of the sanctuary area) so when we pass in front of the tabernacle we genuflect (kneel briefly) on one knee to show reverence and respect for Him.

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The Mass

During Mass we hear readings from the bible and reflect on them. Then we offer bread and wine which is transformed at the consecration by the action of the priest into the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ though it still has the appearance of bread and wine.

All who are in full unity with the Catholic church are invited to receive Holy Communion. 

If you are not a catholic you can remain in your seat at this time or if you would like the priest to give you a blessing you can go up with everyone else and then cross your arms over your chest so the priest knows to give you a blessing instead of the eucharist

Please feel comfortable bringing tiny and or noisy children to Mass, Baby changing facilities are available at St Mary of the Cross Church in Ranelagh. This church (built in 2014) also has good disability access.

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Connect with us

Every sunday at Ranelagh there is morning tea after Mass that everyone is welcome to and after Sat vigil Mass at Cygnet, once every month there is a cuppa on the verandah of the next door presbytery.